Friday, November 14, 2008

Front Yard Fun

It may just be the smallest front yard in town but we are determined to get as much produce out of it as possible. We also have peas planted along the picket fence behind the broccoli. More pics will be posted as veggies grow bigger and taller.

The ’stone’ is broken concrete that we chisel to look a bit softer. You can get the concrete just about anywhere; most cities are constantly tearing up sidewalks and the waste just goes into a landfill. We’ve even gotten our city workers to drop it off in the driveway…one of the joys of living in a small town.

We have a total parcel size of 50′x150′ but with several trees and out-buildings (storage shed, son’s studio apartment) plus quite a bit of concrete (basketball court/ pool pad) the usable garden space is at a premium. In past years we have had to listen to complaints from our kids as every spring we steal a bit more of their play space…but since the youngest is close to 15 years old now, and all of them are busy with sports, school, and jobs, the consensus lately seems to be anything that lessens the amount of lawn needing to be mowed is a good thing.

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