Hoping to sit down in the next few days and get some pics of the garden posted. We are picking LOTS of green beans, plenty of zucchini, and some onions (one bed planted later than the others managed to not go to seed, but are still not huge) .
This one escaped while I was planting the onion bed and grew where it landed. I started calling it our 'James and the Giant Peach' onion.....I thought it fit. The stalk finally fell over yesterday, so I picked it....weighing in at 1.5 lbs.....we're saving it for burgers!
The garlic has been outside drying for over 2 weeks now and the cloves seem just about ready to dust off and store in mesh bags in the cellar. Our makeshift drying racks, which consist of an old wire shelf and several refrigerator shelves, pale in comparison to those created by Maybelline's hubby but they do the job. Maybe next year we'll have time to build our own (now that we have plans we can copy :)
Steve and I have started a new undertaking towards sustainable living....'renting' land in exchange for veggies. Our home garden is simply not big enuf to support our family of 6 very hungry people and with several trees in the yard to help us get thru the 'hell' we call summer in the Central Valley of California we can only cultivate so much of our city lot ...is a town of 10,000 officially a city?
Follow us on our adventures in gardening in our lovely neighbor Joyce's yard. Our desire is to become strangers to the checkout gals at the grocery store.