Wednesday, July 13, 2011

You Decide

There is a controversy in Oak Park, Michigan over a vegetable garden in the front yard of a family trying to feed itself and become a bit more sustainable in troubling times. Above is the picture of the garden. Here is a news piece on the story.

This is a defense by a recent law school grad that formerly lived in Oak Park and the daughter of a Oak Park city employee....and the rebuttal by Julie Bass (whose tale can be followed on the blog Oak Park Hates Veggies).

This article is a commentary on lawns.

Seems to me Oak Park may one of the few places in the United States that hasn't had it's citizens affected by the Recession if they can worry about vegies in the front yard.


What if it's today? - A survivalist's blog said...

My sister lives in a neighborhood with rules that require every plant (anything not lawn) gets approval by the homeowners committee prior to planting. That's why I live in the country and not a city!

What if it's today? - A survivalist's blog said...

My sister lives in a neighborhood with rules that require every plant (anything not lawn) gets approval by the homeowners committee prior to planting. That's why I live in the country and not a city!

Steve said...

I've heard of such rules in a subdivision, but city wide? I also believe in giving some so all may be better off. But how does a garden harm others?


I don't buy it. That amount of raised boxes wouldn't feed many. It is neat but I don't like the look nor do I like the fact that anyone has access to the edible garden. Certainly, property owners should be able to do what they like with their property that is within the law. This just isn't to my taste.

Demandra said...

I understand that living in a community requires certain compromises, but, um, really? Tidy boxes with veggies? Seriously? I am absolutely baffled by the desire of complete strangers to control other complete strangers. Shouldn't that kind of lunacy be kept to spouses and children only? (ha! ha!)